Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Take a good look at my face

Hej allé,
How's everybody doin'?
Everyone, and I mean everyone, is sick. Caity's got piggy flu, a girl in my class has piggy flu, and host sister Christine has a horrible cough. I'm currently trying to figure out how open doors with my feet so I don't have too touch the doorknob. I'm really suprised more people in Denmark don't know what S.A.D. (Seasonal Affects Disorder) is. I swear almost every person in the whole country should have it. I'll probably end up with it. The sun, it never comes out. The clouds, they never end. The wind, it never stops. The rain, it doesn't end. My advice to any exchange student coming on exchange to Denmark, bring vitamin D.
Apparently November's supposed to be the worst month during an exchange year. I don't know if it the worst. My best way to describe November is just... blah. Nothing really good, nothing horrible's happened yet though, which I guess is good. I don't know why I even write these blogs, no one ever reads them anyway, I guess being pregnant is more exciting. Actually, being pregnant is probably more exciting than my life right.
Before I got to Denmark I was extremely dedicated to becoming a journalist. That hasn't changed. But I've realized that that's not all I want to do. I have a lot more things to do in my life now that I've just sort of let go. I have another big dream now. I'm not going to tell you guys what that is though. I don't trust people enough to not shoot down my dreams anymore, so I'm just not giving many people that option. I don't need others approval to go after what I want. I'm going to do what I want to do after graduation, what I need to do for myself, not what others expect me to do. Life's to short to waste what little time is given to us. I wish more people would realize this and go after what they want. Ask anyone, anyone you work with, anyone you live by, maybe even yourself if you're brave enough. What did you want to be when you were my age. If you're that now, if you've followed your dreams, I applaud you and am very proud of you. But I bet at least half of you became something that wasn't your dream. And for those of you who didn't even try, who just fell back, it's never to late. Achieving just the smallest part of your dream can make it come true, at least in your eyes.

~Jasmine H


  1. Holy shmoley! Talk about SAD! One thing about dreams is that they are not static. Just because your dreams change does not mean you aren't following your dreams. I never thought about being an Army Officer when I was 16 or 17, but did when I was 19. And it happened when I was 22. I never thought I would have a daughter who could make me laugh just by making a funny face. I guess my dream is being happy and making enough money to live comfortably. That is where I am most of the time.

  2. Maybe if you sent out an email that you have updated your blog might help. That is what Sarah does.

    Also, maybe if you updated it on a consistent schedule, we would get used to checking it. Currently, I check it about every other day for about two weeks after a post. After nothing new, I usually forget to check until someone tells me you have posted on your blog.

  3. Hey cos! Sounds like you are enjoying your time away and it also sounds like it's difficult to watch your friends leave. I feel like I can kind of relate to the special bond you have with them. Being a twin Sarah and I have such a special bond that I don't think people can understand. It's hard to explain it and people just think I'm nuts, but unless you live it you just don't know it. So it must be hard to watch them leave, enjoy your time with them and hopefully you'll stay in touch with them. And I agree with your Dad an email would be great to let us know your blog has been updated. I try to check it once a week or so, but sometimes I forgot, but I love reading it so keep the blogs coming! Have fun! Love ya, Kate

  4. Hi Jasmine, sorry to hear that things are kinda blah in Denmark right now. Just hang in there and think about all the things you are experiencing that most people will never have the chance to see or do. I hope you are doing well and making the most of your year. I had an ultrasound today and found out Joe and I are having a BOY!!! Now I can stop with "it" and start with "he". Have a good night!!

  5. Flu shot anyone?? I like the piggy flu moniker. Very curious about your new career idea but understand about not sharing. RC talks about how older folks look to the younger forks and speak of their regret instead of taking action. I'm going to look for a job on the water! Love Mom

  6. Chris: Hey man, I update as much as I can. That's a good idea though with the e-mail thing. Yup, Denmark is pretty sad at the moment. I just wish we had sun or snow, either would work :)

    Kate: I totally agree. I know they have to leave but I just want to put them in a bag and bring them home with me. In the best way possible of course :)

    Sarah og Joe: Thanks for the encouragement, it really does help. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Exciting stuff!

    Jennifer: Are you serious about that job on the water? If so, dude go for it!!!! Tis very true though. Not attacking but I've seen teachers, guidance counsellors, parents, grandparents, and coach just bash dreams. Some part of me makes me think that every time someone tells me that I can't do it, it's because they at one time didn't get their dream.

    Could everyone put their e-mail in here somewhere, or if your not comfortable with the openness of the page then e-mail it to me.


    ~Jasmine H

  7. oh and Jen they don't have the swine flu vaccine in Denmark. Which seems utterly rediculous to me because 2 people just died from it even though they have free health care!

    ~Jasmine H

  8. More people would read your blog if they knew about it! (Smile) This is Ms. HD, and I am thrilled to hear you are on an exchange year! You may remember that I went to Germany for a year. By the way, I found November the hardest part of my exchange year. And Northern Europe in November is a drag. On the other hand the holiday season in Northern Europe is like a fairy tale. And by New Years you will take a huge jump in your fluency and the rest of the year will be a wonderful blur. Feel free to e-mail me and now that I know you have a blog I will look forward to hearing of your adventures.

  9. Hey Ms. HD!! Great to hear from you! I'm sorry I haven't gotten the chance to come back and visit, just a tad preoccupied at the moment ;) I never knew you went on exchange to Germany! I remember you speaking fluent German though. I love how your e-mail is your name exactly how it's spelled, like anyone else could have a name that unique.

    ~Jasmine H
