Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Happy Blog Post

Hej allé,

Last night all of the Americans threw a Thanksgiving dinner for the Australians. It was a major blast, a great way to finish off November. There were nine people in total; 5 Americans, Greg, me, Krista (on exchange to Poland who was visiting Kate), Kate and Mandy (on college exchange to York England visiting me,) 4 Austrailians, Caity, Dean, Prue, and Josh (YFU exchange student.) Mandy and I started cooking around 11:45 after getting back from København. (The trip from KBH to my house took 5 hours!) We had a ton of food, the Australians were very impressed. Overall we had, mashed potatoes, string beans, indian corn, duck, gravy, apple pie, corn bread and brown sugar carrots.

We started out dinner with passing our plates around the table like we do in my family, then we went around in a circle and gave thanks like they do in Kate's family. After we finished that, which took a while, we dug in :) The food was delicious! Even the indian corn that I sort of screwed up, hey man it's not my fault their pan was to big. The dinner conversation was amazing. Just like home, there was that one person (and there always is) that makes everthing either really awkward or just makes super rediculous comments. That person was Prue (aussie.) There was a heart tugging moment as there always is as well. We were all eating and Caity and Josh asked us if we missed having Thanksgiving with our familes, and I just looked up and said, "of course, I miss the family I have in the U.S. but we are eating with family..." and then everyone went "aww." It's a bitter sweet thing that is.

After dinner we all sat around my computer and watched comedians and the top ten Autralian beer commercials of all time. Then we just talked about everything and drank coffee. A few people stayed over but everyone left on the 11.30 bus back to town. Overall a very fulfilling experience.

~Jasmine H


  1. Yay that you got a Thanksgiving!!! Sounds like it was a pretty good day for you. Glad to hear a more upbeat post! :) I read your comment about Green Bay and the Vikings and don't worry I am changing hospitals locally so hopefully I can avoid trips to Green Bay, it's like 2 1/2 hours one way! Instead I will probably go to Marquette which is only about 1 hour. Have a great day and take care!!!

  2. Hey Jasmine, I agree with Sarah, this post sounds so much more upbeat. I'm sooo glad you got to have a Thanksgiving dinner and it sounds like it was awesome. :) I hope things continue to go well. Happy 4 months!!!

  3. Haha thanks guys! All it takes is one good day over here and it can really change your veiws on things. I think the fact it was thanksgiving helped a lot. It made me realize what's really important to me.

  4. It sounds like you had a great time at Thanksgiving. I would love to hear a comment about cooking the duck. How did it taste, just like chicken(lol)?

  5. Ahhh, I'm crying because you miss us!! It was so good to hear about your Thanksgiving!! They should be impressed after the duck preparation that thankfully you did NOT share with the group!! I told Rita and she thought the dressing the duck story was hilarious.

  6. I'm not sure how to do this but I finally started reading your blog, Jasmine,and I can't believe how much you've been through even though I've only read a few of hte recent posts. Sounds like your head and heart might burst but that they're stretching enough to bear all the new people and events. Better to have the Indian corn too well cooked than soupy; I'm always in favor of a little more well-done.
    Hope you have a good Christmas.

  7. Haha, that's ok Bridget :) I'd rather have you start reading now than not read it at all this year! I have been through a lot, but it should all be worth it, hopefully.

    Cooking the duck was... eventfull. Let's just way it made me want to be a vegetarian. After I cut the duck out of the packaging I was instructed to wash it off and stretch open the legs and wings. Now I thought that this was gross enough on its own, little did I know that there was much more to come. Then my host mom, Lisbeth, told me that I had to reach inside of the duck and pull out the bag of... we'll call it stuff. So I did that and almost gagged. Then she rolls up her sleeve and shoves her hand inside the duck, grabs something and RIPPS IT OUT!!! Apparently it was a lung, I wasn't paying to much attention to what it was because I didn't want to hurl all over thanksgiving dinner. Then she told me that I had to clean out the rest of the duck. Which I did. I was instructed to use my fingernails to get out the really stringy parts.... I'm traumatized

  8. Hey Jas, Just bacouse I don't write does not mean I don't read your blog. I have a problem getting my comments posted. They are so brilliant no one could stand to reaad them. Let's see if this works.

  9. Hey! It worked. Just have to get all the things right. Now that you can cook duck and your dad makes indian corn better than mine I may retire fome the kitchen. Be prpared next year!

  10. Dear Jasmine,

    Your Thanksgiving sounds like one you will remember forever. I know that Noelle's favorite Thanksgiving was spent traveling the former Yugoslavia, so maybe there's something to being able to really see what you have only when you are far away from it. Anyway, I'm glad I know about the blog know, I'll keep checking in.


  11. How in the world are so many people finding out about my blog? Don't get me wrong, I love it, I'm just curious...

    Thanks grandma, I know the internet can be really annoying sometimes.

    Something about not having what you normally do, even though you chose to not have it, makes you realize what so special about it all.

  12. Hey there so impressed with your dinner. Sounded great. And it is so good to have friends around the world. Life is change and some of it hurts sometimes.

    Luv Ya
    G Rita
