Sunday, August 2, 2009

Random things about Danmark

These are just some random things about Danmark. I'm just going to keep updating this post with new things so just check back every once and a while!
1. They listen to a ton of American music
2. The toilet paper divides into rectangles instead of squares
3. The bathrooms are tiny!
4. Very few homes have bathtubs
5. Riding a bike here is not only a skill, but a talent! I saw a girl riding a bicycle in a skirt and a pair of GORGEOUS quilted patent leather heels!
6. The stop lights are slightly different. They still have the same colors in the same order but when the light is about to turn green it goes from red to yellow then to green.
7. People, escpecially in your immediate family, are very open about their bodies.
8. Everybody can tell I'm am American... ugh. I'm going to ask Sara to help me pick out an outfit for the first day of skole so I don't look like an idiot.
9. People will sometimes just randomly walk into your house, they know you of course. Sometimes that person just happens to be a cute boy. Then you wished that you had put on jeans instead of your pick flannel vikings pants and maybe eye drops.
11. There are cliches just like in America, except they call the "popular girls and guys" because they dress in the latest fashions (which is currently shiny clothing) and listent to only pop music.
12. Nobody has tissue for blowing your nose! but something is always blooming! Raise your hand if your in pain *Jasmine raises hand* Hans gave me some nasal spray which is working well.
13. Light switches are commonly on the outside or rooms instead of the inside.
14. You either drink coffee or tea, but not both.


  1. Hej Jasmine,

    Glad to hear you've arrived and are settling in. Between the stairs, the bike and sport lessons of your choice (team handball?), you'll be able to eat any pastry you want!


  2. HAHA thanks lynn, that was actually one the things I was looking forward to here is being able (and sort of forced) to excersize on a daily basis

  3. I see that the pants are shiney, but are they also puffy like the 1980 Hammer pants? I need to go to Europe, I would be one of the popular kids!
