Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why you should always be dressed and ready for company

So, last night I got my first full night of sleep! I slept for about 10 hours. This a lot more than two nights ago when I went to bed around 11 woke up at 12, watched tv until 2, and then stared out my window until 8 in the freaking morning! (pretty sunrise though). The nice thing about my room is that there is a window on the right side, and it has a ledge that fits the shape of my butt, perfectly! So i can sit there and people watch. Anyways, I got a full nights sleep last night. However I still managed to have bowling ball sized bags under my eyes when I woke up. I didn't really care, I was in my house, no biggy. So, I threw on my flannel plaid pink vikings pants and a tank top, threw my hair up in a loose pony tail, and walked out of my room.
I went down stairs and ate morgenman (breakfast), watched and little tv, and drank kaffe (coffee). I went to wash my dishes in the sink and started to talk to Pia about Sara's visa, which should be here tomorrow right as they leave for the airport (luckly!!) All of a sudden the door to our apartment opens, I pretty much ignored it. I thought it was just Hans coming inside. Then I remembered that everyone who lives in the apartment was in the apartment. So, with a quizzical look on my face i turned to see who the hell just walked into our apartment with out knocking.
I then see this 6'5" muscular blonde guy. Ok, so lets recap... pink flannel pants, big baggy eyes, hair a hot mess, and a stupid look on my face. Raise your hand if you're embarrassed *Jasmine raises hand*. He looks at me like I'm a freaking alien, then realizes that he was being rude, so me smacks a smile on his face and say, "Hej." I say hej back and he walks into the living room. I turn back around and stair out the window, pretending to do dishes, until he leaves. He stayed for only about 3 minutes. I then think to myself, "Another bites the dust. Jeez Jasmine! You may have as well been doing the polka while naked on top of the dog!"
After he left I peeked around the corner to make sure he was actually gone, and turned to Pia to ask her who it was. She smiles at me and says it was the one of Sara's cousins or something. Then she says, "no girlfriend though," and nudges my shoulder. I stood there finishing the dishes thinking, " yeah, and now he definitely wants me to be his girlfriend."

~Jasmine H


  1. Jasmine this is hilarious! I miss you a lot. I hope you're having a good time in Denmark...definitely catching those boys.

  2. Now that he has seen the worst there is nowhere to go but up!!!
    You'll wow him next time!

  3. I do not understand. What is the problem here?
